The recent bunker oil spill that occurred in the Bay and has affected a large area - speaks to the folly of the Coast Guard and also to the protocols that are in place and set by some leading regulatory agencies.

No one knows how much bunker oil has adversely affected the Bay - some say as much as 100,000 gallons but the number touted is 58,000 gallons of the worst type of bunker oil. The oil that is found at the bottom of the refining process is bunker oil and is very, very toxic.

In San Francisco we have the loud mouth Office of Emergency Services (OES) and this lousy entity was caught off guard. Diane Feinstein appears on the scene days later - and wanted the culprits to be booked. Typical of a person that wants to jump on the bandwagon to show off her knickers, more her ignorance and arrogance.

For years our Senators - Feinstein and Barbara Boxer have not reviewed the emergency protocol in place and woe to us - when the Big One strikes. Our Representatives talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.

Among, the Armed Services we all know how we look at the Coast Guard. Suffice it to say they exhibited their true colors - again and again standard operating procedures were not followed. The truth, will be revealed in months and the Coast Guard I assure you will not come out with flying colors.

The recent bunker oil spill has opened the eyes of many regulatory agencies that really were not prepared. When volunteers in good faith showed up to help - they were rebuked.

On one hand we have regulatory agencies that are NOT prepared and when the citizens show up prepared to work - they are treated like crap. This must not happen ever, again. This is a clarion call to all decent citizens - when the Big One strikes most people will have to fend for themselves for weeks on end.

Even in times of an emergency we find out how some lead regulatory agencies work. They will first assure that they have the money, to make some for themselves and then for the clean up. These scum bags could care less for the good of the Environment and Real Clean up.

The lead agencies were busy preparing to bring the owners of the ship that spilled the bunker oil to court so that they could get some injunction and carve out the amount of money that the Ship Owners could be charged for work done linked to the on going spill. That was more important then the Marine Life and other adverse impacts - that were unattended for days.

This bunker oil spill will affect a large area and it will take years for Mother Earth to heal. Mother Earth has time on its side. We humans should worry about our stupidity more and not repeat such acts in the future.

In the mean time Lennar BVHP LLC is bombarding the area in and around Parcel A at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard with heavy metals, radiological elements, and of course Asbestos Structures too dangerous for any life and that includes human beings.

We, now have some contractor who is laying down the infrastructure and the workers from this company who an Irish American Owner is not equipping his workers with face masks and other essential and required breathing equipment on Parcel A.

I saw no personal Asbestos Monitoring Equipment and all this when in recent days the Asbestos Readings have registered past the cap - of over 16,000 Asbestos structures - with readings of 45,000 and more. Mr. Hunt better know what he is doing - because we know what is really happening.

Lennar BVHP LLC will never, ever succeed on Parcel A and the remaining parcels that are deadly. Only a fool would want to live in the middle of Chernobyl, that is what Parcel A is. Hundreds of innocent people have already suffered and are suffering from the adverse impacts - and the on going illegal work taking place on Parcel A.

In the Federal Courts the scum bags are being questioned and reading the depositions makes very interesting reading. Soon, the complete depositions will be available to the public. Right now the lawyers have them and can question anyone to clarify certain points.

I know and have been knowing that God has been looking favorably on those that believe in Him and in his infinite blessing. I also am fully cognizant that the devil that is Lennar BVHP LLC is on the run with his tail between his legs.

The Chief Executive Officer who heads the Lennar Corporation was here in San Francisco he did not meet me - but he did not meet the so called important folks that lead Lennar BVHP LLC either - some heads are going to be chopped and those that worked for the devil and harmed our children will suffer. Time for full restitution - no one can harm our children and run away- not as long as I live and have life to pursue the evil mongers.

It is a crying shame that Mayor Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, George Miller, Mayor Ron Dellums, former Willie L. Brown Jr. have all not said a word about our children. Well, their time has come and they missed the boat, the bus, the train, and the plane. Time for restitution and you all that I have named have blood on your hands.

This oil spill is a wake up call to those that are pretending to know what they think they are all about and naught. Greed and materialism have over come some and it is not fair to everyone when the target of pollution is any form harms nature and Mother Earth. Our children who are innocent and blessed in the eyes of God.

We have representative the likes of Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi who are doing the devil's work - trying to fight for some Insurance for Children on the National Level - while they permit our children to die in their back yard that is Parcel A on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

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