Over a million and half tons of earth has been shifted and with wind gust around 40 miles per hour the last week and this week has seen an acceleration of breathing problems, asthma attacks - mostly our children and elders suffering and hundreds visiting hospitals.

It is not too uncommon to hear the blaring sirens and ambulances picking one patient only to hear another ambulance arrive to take another patient to hospital. It is as if you are in Iraq and in a war zone but this time you have to pinch yourself - it is the Bayview Hunters Point.

Check out the photographs showing you the amount of grading and excavation that has been done. Tons of ultramaphic Serpentine Rock buried by Lennar BVHP LLC and covered by some little dirt most of it toxic too.

We hear that California Occupational Safety and Health Administration and one Madam Cora Gherga sat down with certain entities and gave Lennar BVHP LLC a waiver. What is our Department of Building Inspection doing? And while we are at it what is Mayor Gavin Newsom doing about this situation? Of course I will let the Governor know - now, that the State budget has been voted on.

The week of August 12th to 18th saw too many exceedences some as high as 53,000 structures per cubic meter by Fisher Road and then over 46,000 by Navy Road. The cap is 16,000 structures per cubic meter.

The paradox is that Lennar BVHP LLC was issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) more to pacify the United States Navy that has jurisdiction of Parcels B, C, D, E, and F. But, lo and behold damn those minorities that live in public housing by Oakdale and Kiska and others that live on Jerrold by the Shipyard gate. What is happening to our City? When will this nonsense stop?

The dust that crossed the Navy boundary brought about a NOV but what about the constituents living in and around the Parcel A - West and East?

Take a good look at the grading and say a prayer for our children, our elders and those many innocent that are being bombarded by toxic dirt and Asbestos structures:


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